50 years ago this week, a Democrat and a Republican pulled together a coalition that initiated the first ever action day for the Earth. Their efforts had a ripple effect that ultimately led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air Act. Two years later Congress passed the Clean Water Act. A year after that, Congress passed the Endangered Species Act.

This week we are honoring and celebrating the spirit of that movement. And although we are unable to get together physically, we can show our support for the Earth and all of it’s amazing creatures in numerous ways. We hope you will join us digitally this week as we celebrate the spirit of optimism and civic duty that inspired that very first Earth Day.

This is a year where we all hope for healing, there is no better way than to celebrate and uplift our planet and all its inhabitants.


Be on the lookout each day this week for another way you can participate in celebrating the Earth, and of course, our amazing non-human cousins, the chimpanzee.

And, if you haven’t yet participated in our Board Match Challenge, we urge you to give a gift now or pledge (if you can’t give now) in celebration of World Chimpanzee Day on July 14th.


Click here for answers to the crossword puzzle.

Click here for answers to the word search.